Simply choose not to watch The Choice

Their houses were 40 yards apart, but there were miles of conflict between them. This sets up an unoriginal scene for the cheesy movie The Choice; a title that is a spoiler in itself.
The title The Choice spoils the film for viewers because this supposed “choice” happens during the last half hour of the movie. This forces the audience to live through an entire movie filled with so many corny lines and a love that will happen no matter what, waiting for this “choice” to finally occur. The movie may revolve around the “choice” in the end, but the name makes viewers curiosity towards the “choice” sit for too long making the wait not even worth it.
“It doesn’t even pretend to be suspenseful regarding the nature of the tile The Choice, since the poster and the first three minutes reveal pretty much everything you need to know,” wrote Richard Bonaduce from, an entertainment and sports writing website.
The Choice goes into the lives of Gabby and Travis, who are new neighbors who both own dogs. Soon after Gabby moves into the neighborhood, she discovers her dog is pregnant and assumes Travis’ dog is at fault, thus beginning the couple’s relationship.
Gabby, from the start, can see right through this Travis character, who is an extreme player, but she still ends up with him none-the-less. This is quite predictable for a typical movie romance.
This tragedy of a romance was originally a book written by Nicholas Sparks, who wrote The Notebook and The Last Song. Both of these books turned into cheesy, predictable films as well.
The first scene of the movie over dramatically pans over Travis in a boat contemplating the “choice” he has to make and then gets into the story. The audience has no clue as to why this is happening, even though Travis hints that they should with metaphors about life that are overdone and cheesy. The film angles were decent and well staged per situation and the scenery was absolutely gorgeous. These were probably the only things worth watching in this film.
This film over all is still a romantic, sappy love story. Any person who doesn’t care about the immediate spoilers and the predictable content could enjoy that. The choice to see this movie would be a waste of money and time.

This will be Rachel's third year on staff. After being a staff writer for two years, she has been given the opportunity this year to take on the responsibilities...