Students can continue learning over the summer with iPads

After careful consideration, the District Administrative Team has decided to allow returning students to keep their iPads this summer.


According to Crystal Steker, Director of Technology for District 95, students, unfortunately, fall behind after a long break from learning.


“Research has shown that students have lower test scores on standardized tests at the end of summer break than they did on the same tests at the beginning of summer break,” Steker said.  “By keeping their district owned iPads over the summer, students will have continued access to learning opportunities, literacy materials, as well as methods for capturing and sharing their learning.”


According to Steker, students can use the apps on the ipad to explore and create music, art, and information based on their own interests at their own pace.


“As a result of enhancements made by Apple, virtually all updates and app deliveries can now be completed automatically and wirelessly,” Steker said. “This means that it is no longer necessary, from a technology perspective, to collect devices from returning students at the end of the school year and has allowed the Administrative team to consider the educational benefits of students’ keeping their district supplied device year-long along with the financial and logistical ramifications of that decision.”


This is a one time commitment that will be evaluated over the 2015-16 school year. Parents and students may choose to turn in their iPad at the end of the school year for safekeeping and pick it up in August before school starts, according to Steker.


“The iAgent (student workers) schedule is being adjusted this summer to provide open hours (drop in) times at the High School for any student who needs help with their devices,” Steker said. “Additionally there is an on line Help Desk and ticketing system to support year round use of the iPads.  Summer hours, when finalized, will be posted on the Help Desk site.”