Summer full of movies, good and bad
A beautiful tragedy. An unconventional drug heist. A supernatural quest. All of these words can describe some of the movies that came out this summer.
The Fault In Our Stars was one of the most anticipated releases this summer, according to IMDB. On opening weekend, TFIOS flew to number one in the box office, earning $48,002,523.
The movie, based on the book by John Green, follows a teenage girl named Hazel Grace, played by Shailene Woodley, as she deals with her struggle of living with cancer, dealing with relationships, and trying to be a normal girl.
The movie truly is a beautiful tragedy, as it really gets into the hardships of a cancer patient and everything that goes along with it. The movie, although not a 100 percent authentic representation of the sick lifestyle, feels like it is.
“Instead, it felt “realistic” in a movie way: Characters had a quirky precociousness that seemed invented rather than authentic to the behavior of actual people,” according to Tim Grierson, reviewer for the New Yorker.
The movie follows the book almost exactly, with the screenplay being written by Green, himself.
Another big movie this summer was 22 Jump Street. A sequel to 21 Jump Street, the movie follows two police officers as the go undercover as college students to find a drug dealer.
Greg Jenco, played by Channing Tatum, and Morton Schmidt, played by Jonah Hill, are not the best cops. The only arrest they have ever made was a high school teacher who just so happened to be a drug dealer, which took them almost a month to figure out on their previous undercover operation.
Jenko and Schmidt are like brothers, and the movie follows their friendship, and how they deal with their regrets of not going to college and not being the star football player.
The movie, although not hilarious, had it’s funny moments and is definitely worth watching. Hill and Tatum both brought their all to the roll and express the meaning of true friendship.
The main characters of Guardians of the Galaxy may not have been the closest friends, but they sure went on an adventure.
Guardians of the Galaxy follows a group of criminals that are being hunted by supernatural creatures in a supernatural world. The creatures are after an orb that Peter Quill, played by Chris Pratt, stole and is trying to pawn off.
The movie is hard to follow and unless there is any prior knowledge of Marvel, or interest in the movie before hand, it comes off as boring or just plain bad.
“I saw the movie and I thought it was terrible,” said Miriam Chung, sophomore. “I don’t understand why people think it’s a good movie.”
Overall, this summer was full of movies, both good and bad. There was sci-fi, romance, comedy, and many more. These movies kept the summer interesting, and allowed an escape to an alternate world whenever necessary.

This is Danna's (pronounced Donna, not Dana) third year on staff and fourth year involved in the journalism program. She's on the Varsity Tennis team...