Teacher ‘sign off ‘ forms brought back for fieldtrips

Make sure to get that new form signed by all your teachers before leaving for a field trip.

Students are now required to have all of their teachers sign off on a form stating the student has told their teachers they will not be in class for a certain day.

“Last year there were some concerns brought forth by teachers about students’ accountability for field trips and missing class,” Ryan Rubenstein, Assistant Principal for Student Activities and Facilities, said. “I got together the field trip committee, which consists of teachers, and we met a couple times and then getting some feedback from the committee and their departments, they felt that it would be best to bring back this piece so that teachers are aware that students will be out of class and holding the students responsible for going and speaking with their teacher.”

The school used these forms in previous years, but put an end to them about six years ago when teachers said it was taking too much class time to sign the sheets, according to Rubenstein.

“I think it helps with organization,” Camerin Stanley, junior, said. “you know what you are going to miss and your teacher knows as well.”

This form was brought back to inform teachers as well as make sure students actually tell their teacher and there is no excuse to not turn in homework or take a test the next day, according to Rubenstein.

“Homework has to be turned in the next day along with test and quizzes should be taken as soon as possible,” Rubenstein said. “None of those procedures have changed.”