Frosh Friday: social butterfly ready to tackle high school

Abby Smith, freshman, practices with her guard flag. She joined Color Guard with hopes to meet lots of new friends. Photo credits to Abby Smith.

Abby Smith, freshman, practices with her guard flag. She joined Color Guard with hopes to meet lots of new friends. Photo credits to Abby Smith.

Name: Abby Smith
Middle School: Middle School North

Q: What are you most looking forward to in high school?
A: I’m most looking forward to people and new activities. It’s nice to get to know more people and figure out who your friends are going to be. And it’s also nice to have the large variety of activities at your fingertips and know that there’s always something for everyone.


Q: What makes you a people person?
A: It’s just kind of how my dad is, so I guess I kind of picked that up from him. People are interesting. Everyone’s different with unique character traits. I just find that interesting.


Q: Will this affect your career one day?
A: Probably. I want to work with more people, because it will be easier for me.


Q: What is your most prized possession and what does this say about you as a person?
A: My dog. I don’t like material objects. I prefer meaningful possessions that are worth more than money. Instead of just liking something on a dresser, it’s a living breathing animal who can love it’s owner unconditionally.


Q: If you could go back in time and give yourself, before middle school, advice, what would you say?
A: Don’t worry. Everything will totally be fine. Whenever you’re transitioning to a new school there’s a lot of stress, and just transitioning to anything in general is stressful. Knowing that everything is going to work out is the most simple and most helpful thing to know. I think knowing that I wasn’t going to fail my classes and just in general that I was going to make it through middle school without screwing up majorly would bring a lot or relief.