Get a parking spot for 2015-2016

Parking applications come out the first week of May and will be available in the Dean’s office.

“The way this works is seniors who apply, as long as they are in good standing with the deans office and have 18 credit hours completed,will be given a parking spot that they can pay for.” Chad Beaver, dean of students, said. “The remainder of juniors, who must have junior status of 12 credit hours and good standing with the deans office, will be put in the lottery and some will be rewarded with a spot that they will pay for.”

There are around 445 spaces available for students to apply for and each parking spot is $330 per year. Payment is due in August, but if a student does not pay for the parking space by the given deadline, the spot will be lotteried off to a senior or a junior, but the senior will have first choice.

“When it comes closer to May, more information will be posted on the deans website,” Beaver said. “Also, there will be a headline on the main page as a reminder for students. A list will be posted at the beginning of the school year of who has received a parking place for the year.”