Literary Magazine accepting submissions for publication

Literary Magazine will be accepting student submissions for publication until the end of November.


The Lit Mag, which comes out once a year, is a student publication that features anything from photography to nonfiction works. Students submit their work, and members of the magazine select the best submissions.


“We have a rubric that we follow. There are three readers for each piece, or as a class we look at art work. We select ‘unlikely,’ ‘likely,’ and ‘very likely’ to make in the magazine,” Charly Yocius, senior and member of Lit Mag, said. “Then we make our comments on what we like and think could use improvement on the work.”


Students have the chance to revise their work, if it there is room for improvement, according to Yocius.


“If we have one that is teetering on becoming ‘very likely’ to be in the magazine we’ll email [the student] back with suggestions for revisions,” Yocius said.


Because of the time spent on the magazine, copies of the magazine are not free.


“We spend quite a while selecting and editing the pieces, and working on the format and style of the whole magazine. We also print on pretty expensive paper,” Yocius said. “They’re always $5, sometimes we give out baked good with them as another incentive.”


To submit entries to the Lit Mag, all students have to do is email their submission to Jennifer Schmitz, English teacher and Lit Mag sponsor.